$100 Contract Reviews by Lawyers

We translate legal complexity into simple language for you.

Affordable and Efficient Contract Reviews

Signing contracts and legal documents without getting legal advice can be dangerous and expensive. Contracts often contain terms that are unfavourable to you.

Investing $100 plus GST now for a high level contract review can save you from surprises down the road.

How It Works

Experience our quick and smooth Contract Review process.

Upload Your Contract

Tell us  your circumstances and concerns.

Speak with a Lawyer

Our lawyer will speak to you to understand your concerns.

Get Advice

You will reiceve an Contract Obligation Summary Matrix that shows your rights and obligations in the Contract in simple language.

More Help?

You can ask our partner law firm Quantum Law Group for assistance, for example if you wish to amend the Contract.

What You Get

What is a Contract Obligation Summary Matrix?

Major Issues

We will identify and explain the major issues in the Contract

Your Rights

We will explain your rights and check if that is what you agreed to.

Your Obligations

We will explain your obligations and check these are correct.

Level of Risk

We will let you know how your Contract compares to standard Contracts.

Need More Help?

Our partner law firm, Quantum Law Group, can assist you with other legal matters.

Let’s Get Started

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